Friday, July 28, 2006

Enjoy Your Day

Today my thoughts are centred on expecting only the best
and giving only the best.
Today my mind and heart are open to new opportunities
and I make the most out of every situation.
Today I will smile and act enthusiastically in everything I do.
I will make every person I meet feel very important and
I will show them that I care.
Today my confidence is high and I am willing to step out
and take a chance.
I speak freely to all those I meet.
I know I have something valuable to contribute.
I expect results today and my time is well invested.
Today I am one step closer to achieving my goals and dreams.
I always keep my eyes focussed on success
and prosperity.
Today I will sow good seed so that I will reap my harvest of reward.

Today is my day!


jessica said...

beautifully said and visualized.

Diane said...

I enjoy your enthusiasm (sp is not my strong suit!!) Thanks for the comment on my site. I've not generated the uplift yet - as soon as the jet lag is over - I hope to get better!!